August 14, 2008

game face

we keep ourselves at bay ,
at night you come out to play!
we wear a sham for one and all,
but at times you answer the wilderness' call!
we watch evil and good as shades of grey,
you have faith and make like u pray!
we try to hold back and keep the peace,
you march on out and just dont cease!
we look on out for the greater good,
you chastise us like you should!
we moderate and mediate,
you compensate and provoke hate!
does everyone have twin souls entwine(d),
one open and good,one hideous and supine,
for all to see ,the RHYMONSTER says,
drop your mask people,show your gameface.

when its this late at night you cant expect perfect sense can you? but for those who need a bit of light...the rhyme talks about competitiveness and your dark side...its a bit of both...even this poem is a bit of blackand white eh?? such is life..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Runi,
Well said, but the question is are we bold enought to do that??
Well hope J'o burg'd trating you good!