April 20, 2005

welcoming huuh????

arun ,is coming...oh!joy behold;
arun ,is coming...oh!woe behold;
actually we look forward to his arrival truth be told;
cos he's joyous ,witty,amusing ,a guy pure gold!!
then why this ambivalence of joy and forlorn??
our joy depends on the side of the rhyme he got up on!!!

hey guys this one was waiting for me on a board in my cousins house in PUNE...needless to say im touched and u guys can appreciate the quality of the rhyme

April 11, 2005

rain rain glow away!!!

if i ever dread a thing in all,
is to stay in a land with no rainfall!!
no sense of foreboding,no acrid perfume
great gods of lightning and thunder fume..

every drop drops to where its meant,
in crystallne pools or down a vehicular vent,
to some a basic nuisance, to others manna from heaven,
do u see what i see? blessed peace- a state of zen!

humanity silenced by a few stray showers,
nature unsheathed unfurling her powers,
instant equality be ye man or four footed!!
are u dry heathen?? waters swirling unpolluted.

the rhymonster always enjoys one good rain,
for nature's fury soothed away by monsoons reign,
to be under one of them thunder showers,,
" for a minute there i thought i had super powers!!