March 12, 2009

Comedy central

Ive run my eye across the type, just to see why everyones having a swipe,
at my last few posts,thier tune,theyre saying ive become very dark from june,
ive forgotten about biryani, ive become a big fat lannie,
i hardly post anymore,so everyones out to even the score.

im receiving fewer scraps thru orkut,as cyberspace has advanced ive stayed put,
im infernally slow in replying to mails, ive been jeered by a few fast moving snails,
my life has picked up a whirlwind pace,and yet im struggling to retain my place,
i know not day or night, to keep asleep i put up one hell of a fight..

the last para moved to darkness again, once more people will debate whether im sane,
looks of compassion will be thrown towards me,as people spot me and flee,
the RHYMONSTER has always been kind of -off in the head, But thats the very same reason he stays AHhhhhhhhhhEEEEEAAAAADDDDDDD!!!!

GREETINGS rhymonster.. LANNIE= rich guy (slang word used in south africa)
the rest is understandable me thinks

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