October 19, 2007

kamsip-an ode to kamakshi

Some sisters get in your hair,
Some sisters are devil - may -care,
Some sisters are angels!Truth be told,
you are one who is worth her weight in gold.

here's wishing you a superb day,
full of fun and laughs & festivity,
here's hoping for a peaceful year,pray!
filled with positivity and prosperity.

may your smile light up everyone around you,
even if it comes online in 2 parts,
and dont obsess about your weight,kamu
cause i heard,Mandarin is starting CHICKEN PUSH-CARTS!!

kamsip is a brand of local cola
kamakshi is my cousin sister
mandarin is a chinese restaurant in bangalore frequented by the aforementioned lady.
this here is her bday rhyme.
happy bday 23rd oct kamu..


Anonymous said...

Nice one for your sis! Wishing her Hoppy Birthday from here.... Finally after a long time .... Keep them coming "I say" - Rao uncle style!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday sir... Still doing the rhyme... Happy birthday to her...Do check my blog when you get the time