September 06, 2005


tis on rolling beast,i did decide,
what doust everyone try to hide?
do thy paths cross squires who hide thier talent?
or calm oceans with angry currents latent!

come across eyes with hidden calculative greed,
or a dame who's independent yet wanting to be freed,
messrs with vanity lurking in abeyance,
the guilty who long for soulsearching penance?

venusian affection for specific souls,
hidden in the shallows amongst the shoals.
a messiah who was altruistic to thou,
yet in need of help the most! how?

ye know,a light rain eventually brings up moss,
but in light of day ye search for cause,
say all"let sleeping mutts lie!"
yet i still seek the missing piece of the pie!!!!!!!

Greetings Rhymonspeare


Sameer said...

chester u rock rhyme...must say u r beginning to get philosophical in ur poems :)...but each line in the rhyme makes sense...rhyme on...enjoy

Anonymous said...

Hellooooo..... Long time!!!

Howz u??????
Hmmm..... about u'r rhymes... :-)... keep rockin macha

Sameer said...

yo chester dude where r ur posts? have u changed ur bloggin location? no posts in the last 2 months..have u taken a sabbatical? return to blogging and rhymin