April 11, 2005

rain rain glow away!!!

if i ever dread a thing in all,
is to stay in a land with no rainfall!!
no sense of foreboding,no acrid perfume
great gods of lightning and thunder fume..

every drop drops to where its meant,
in crystallne pools or down a vehicular vent,
to some a basic nuisance, to others manna from heaven,
do u see what i see? blessed peace- a state of zen!

humanity silenced by a few stray showers,
nature unsheathed unfurling her powers,
instant equality be ye man or four footed!!
are u dry heathen?? waters swirling unpolluted.

the rhymonster always enjoys one good rain,
for nature's fury soothed away by monsoons reign,
to be under one of them thunder showers,,
" for a minute there i thought i had super powers!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A lovely description of the rain. Wish it were raining here as well. Sure seems like u r having a great time! Enjoy and keep pouring in the blogs :) (I don't hink that like makes much sense, but I'm sure u get the point don't u!!!)
