March 04, 2005


we welcome ye to this fair site,
and refer this verse to one-- polite,
who offered excellent advice to one,
oh! alas! confucius has begun!!!

twas one bitter and grimy nigh(t),
myself wondering "where dost i fly?"
when perchance a thought stuck anew,
lets call yonder damsel -me cousin true..

as the verse preceded, baffling mind of thee!!! ,
wonders to heavens--unlock the dread filled in me ..
now am back to windswept crossroads of questioned intent,
do i or do i not..repent??

for the answer to this muddlesome squall,
i have guidance from my genetic good gal,
forsworn i am to try again ,
or admonish RHYMONSPEARE -- thine own self in vain!!!!!

this one is written at 11.30 pm after a conversation with my cousin at 9.30 pm..Thanks meeta

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that was lovely. My typos are usually terrible so concentratin on doing it right is difficult enough to refrain from trying to be smart or say somethin funny. :o) Rather just use plain simple language to say am really touched and thanks a lot