February 10, 2005

she or me?????

she is an enigma.. a vision!!!!
she is unbridled intuition!!!!
she is everything so earthy!!!!
she becomes mysterious, yet free!!!!

i m watching on longing to know,
i m waiting for signs to show,
i m hoping for,striving for ,
i m attracting her to a distant shore,

is my dream so futile?
is there a chance im juvenile??
is my insanity far removed from life?
is my reality in constant strife?

me,i know not who she is?
me,myself and my bliss,
me,is not why im here...
me,the RHYMONSTER wants her near!!!!!!!!!!



Born Too Soon said...

DREAM on dude......way to go.....dont get stuck...dats it.....

God Bless ya...

Sameer said...

rhyme on!! long live the rhymonster! mere sapno ki raani kab aayegi?